August 2024

A Message from Kate

I would like to start by saying a big thank you to Angela Britland for hosting our strawberry tea. Thanks also to all the bakers, those who helped on the day, those who donated raffle prizes and those members who attended. Angela’s garden looked lovely and the event was enjoyed by all who attended and contributed to the £314 raised for our funds.

Our July meeting involved a return visit from Simon Michael who entertained us with more stories of his time as a barrister-another enjoyable meeting.

Thank you to those members who responded for ideas about cake, we will be continuing with cake but will also be offering biscuits at future meetings.

A small group of us went to the literary lunch where we heard an extremely amusing talk from Millie Johnson and had a delicious lunch too. I would certainly recommend you look out for the next one.

Our August meeting is our summer social and there will be line dancing and a quiz with plenty of opportunities for chatting. We will also be asking for your views on speakers and activities to help us plan the new programme. I look forward to seeing you there, with your dancing shoes.

Best wishes


Birthday Greetings

Many happy returns to members celebrating their birthdays in August

Moira, Barbara H.

IMPORTANT NOTICE-Register and Evacuation Procedure-It is important that you sign in BEFORE finding a seat at the beginning of the meeting. This is for your safety as, if we have missed adding you to the register and we have to evacuate the building, we will not have an accurate record of who is in attendance. This also applies if you arrive late or leave the meeting early. Please let Linda McD. know or Sally in Linda’s absence. Our evacuation meeting point is on the field opposite the car park entrance.



Monthly Meeting

Thursday, 15th August


Summer Social-Line dancing and quiz


Rota Volunteers-Door-Krysia   Raffle-Anna, Chris B.  Meet & Greet-Krys, Margaret L.  


We would be grateful if those of you on meeting duties please arrive by 7.15pm. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact Linda McD. so that she can send out an email to fill the slot. Thank you.

July Meeting Report-Attendance: Members-31   Visitors-2   Income:   Visitors: £5   Cake: £11


September Meeting-Dr. Rachel Holt, a consultant plastic surgeon specialising in breast reconstruction

September Competition-None

Reminder-The bar at the Sports Club is card only. Please note that tap water is freely available from the bar.

Heatons WI News

Sound System and Microphone-We are looking to buy a microphone to use at the monthly meetings. Does anybody have any expertise in this area or knows somebody who could help? If so please could you contact Kate Y?

Litter picking-If you would like to join the litter picking group, it was agreed at a recent Resolutions meeting, that it would make sense to form a WhatsApp group. The idea is that any member of the group, puts out a call to pick at a time to suit them, Saturday - Monday. This time frame will coincide with bin collections on a Tuesday. If you would like to join the group, please email Sue with your contact details. Please note, a couple of the Resolutions sub-group have picked litter on a very ad-hoc basis, but now it's time to do so on a more regular basis.  Could email buddies please let your buddy know?

Raffle Prizes-We are in need of prizes for our monthly raffle. If you have any new and unused items to donate please see Perveen.

Charity News-Our chosen charity, Stockport Without Abuse, have asked for new kitchen items to make up starter packs. These are given to women, men and families when they are setting up in a new home.

They have requested the following-rolling-pins, can openers, pans of varying sizes, frying pans, ladles, spatulas, mixing bowls, cereal bowls, mugs, fruit juice glasses, and plates, cups and utensils for young children. NO KNIVES PLEASE. We will be collecting items at the September meeting. Alternatively, if you would like to make a cash donation this will be used to purchase items.

Rota 2024/2025-Please add your name-if each member took on a duty we would have it almost filled.

Heatons WI Events

Saturday, 19th October-Coffee morning to raise funds for our chosen charity at the United Church, Heaton Moor, 10.30am to 12.00pm. There will be refreshments, a cake sale and a raffle. We will need volunteers to bake and help on the day. Also any items for the raffle please.

Wednesday, 4th December-Save the date for our Christmas meal. This will be at Avanti Restaurant, Heaton Moor. A signup sheet will be available at this month’s meeting along with the menu. A £10 non-refundable deposit will be required by the September meeting with the remainder due in November.

North East Cheshire Group News

If anybody is interested in any NEC Group activities please contact Karen 

Tuesday, 15th October-Autumn Meeting. Speaker-Kerry Daynes: The Dark Side Of The Mind: My Life As A Forensic Psychologist. Poynton Civic Hall at 7.30pm.Tickets are £5. A signup sheet will be available at this month’s meeting.

Cheshire Federation News

If anybody is interested in any Cheshire Federation activities please contact 

Wednesday, 13th November-Autumn meeting at the Story House, Chester at 11.00am. Tickets are £15. Saturday, 12th October-Autumn Craft Workshops. £25 including all materials.

Friday, 25th October-Chester Ghost Tour, 6.30pm. Tickets are £14.

Monday, 18th November-Jigsaw Race at 10.30am, Eastham. Tickets are £7 including a light lunch.

Details and signup sheets for all these events will be available at this month’s meeting.

11th-13th July-Camp Cheshire, Wild in Fylde. More details to follow.

CFWI Virtual WI-If anyone is interested in joining, as a dual member, or has a friend who would be interested in finding out more, please contact Angela.

IFEs-Cheshire Federation is looking for members to train as Independent Financial Examiners. Full training will be given. If you are interested in this role or would like further information please contact Angela B.


Learning Hub-Here is a link to the WI Learning Hub where you can access a variety of courses for free

Member’s Notice Board

If you have a notice you would like to be included in the Members’ Notice Board section of the newsletter, or know of any local events other members may be interested in please send details to Linda McD. 

The Children’s Society-The shop at Moor Top is in need of books, jigsaws, DVDs and CDs. If you are having a clear out please could you take them to the shop where they will be gratefully received.

St Martin’s Foodbank-1st Wednesday of the month. Please drop off at Kate J’s house. There will be a box for donations on the drive if the weather is dry or in the porch if wet, from 10am until the evening. URGENTLY NEEDED ITEMS : UHT Milk, tinned tomatoes, biscuits, tinned meat e.g. ham, corned beef, baked beans, toilet roll, toothpaste, cat and dog food, tinned soup, long life fruit juice, tinned fish, pasta sauce,

They currently do not need coffee, tea, cereal or pasta.


RNIB Stamp Collection-Shirley Shaw is collecting used postage stamps for the RNIB. She will bring boxes to WI meetings for members to put their used postage stamps in. You will need to separate UK mainland from the rest of the world, including Isle of Man, Jersey etc. Shirley will collect and send them to the RNIB, who get £20 per kilo.

B&Q is recycling plastic plant pots, small electrical items, batteries, light bulbs and fluorescent tubes

Superdrug Pharmacy at the top of Merseyway Shopping precinct is collecting empty medicine blister packs.