June 2024

A Message from Kate

It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that Sheila Booth, one of our founding members has passed away. Suze has written an obituary which is a fitting tribute to Sheila and sums up the lovely, kind person she was. You can read this later in the newsletter.

Thanks to all those who attended the resolutions meeting-our vote was very close after some interesting discussions. It is obviously something we feel strongly about and most reservations are not about the topic but what could we actually do. The resolution was passed at the Annual Meeting.

The plant sale and book sale went well and we now have name badges. If you missed the meeting don’t worry you will still get a name badge.

We still need volunteers for the programme team next year so please think about it.

We also need volunteers for the rota-if everybody did one duty a year it would be almost full. I understand that you don’t always know if you will be at a meeting but still put your name down as, if you find you can’t be at the meeting, we can always get a substitute. It is a really good way of getting to know other members. The rota will, as always, be on the sign up table.

It is our 16th birthday meeting this time and we have a very special speaker Baroness Bolsover who is going to educate us in tea etiquette, which sounds like it should be fun.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Best wishes


Birthday Greetings

Many happy returns to members celebrating their birthdays in June

Julia, Barbara C., Carolyn, Janet H., Kathryn C., Krysia, Margaret L., Sue I., Liz B., Chris B.

IMPORTANT NOTICE-Register and Evacuation Procedure-It is important that you sign in BEFORE finding a seat at the beginning of the meeting. This is for your safety as, if we have missed adding you to the register and we have to evacuate the building, we will not have an accurate record of who is in attendance. This also applies if you arrive late or leave the meeting early. Please let Linda McD. know or Sally in Linda’s absence. Our evacuation meeting point is on the field opposite the car park entrance.

Monthly Meeting

Thursday, 16th June


Speaker-Baroness Bolsover will talk to us about the etiquette of hosting a tea party. Please bring a plate, cup, saucer, teaspoon and napkin, which can be paper. Refreshments of scones with jam and cream, tea and coffee will be provided, free of charge, during the break. If you would like a drink prior to that please use the bar.

Lanyards-We have purchased lanyards for members to wear at the monthly meetings. You will have the opportunity to decorate your own name card. These will then be handed in at the end of each meeting.

Rota Volunteers-Door-Krys   Raffle-Val, Margaret L.   Meet & Greet-Sue J., Lynda  Refreshments-Pat F., Linda McD., Sue J., Kate W., Lesley

We would be grateful if those of you on meeting duties please arrive by 7.15pm. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact Linda McD. so that she can send out an email to fill the slot. Thank you.

May Meeting Report-Attendance: Members- 31 Visitors-0     Income: Raffle: £32  Cakes: £5 

Books: £16.50  Plants: £18.10


July Meeting-Unfortunately the speaker for this meeting has had to cancel due to illness. The programme team have booked solicitor and author Simon Michael. Although Simon has spoken to us before this is a different talk to the last time.

July Competition-A story in 10 words or less

Heatons WI News

Sheila Booth passed away at St Ann's hospice on May 21st 2024 

Sheila and I met for the first time when we met as two local women, from either end of the district, answering the call from Beryl, the WI adviser, to set up a local WI. I printed out flyers and Sheila made sure she gave one to every customer at Martins the bakers on Heaton Moor where she worked. After a couple of preliminary meetings the women were most decided about  wanting to start a WI, and our first committee was formed, with me as President and Sheila as vice president,  a role she preferred. Ever practical, she would rather act than talk about something.  A brilliant baker, she made our first birthday cake, as well as lots of cakes for meetings and whenever cakes were called for. She supported all the events and made lots of funds for the Heatons WI. She also became a WI Let's Cook teacher, a scheme they ran for a few years, and taught basic cooking to young people.
Sheila loved her dogs, golden and flat coat retrievers, often rescue dogs, and she always had at least 2 of these sizeable pets. She would walk them for an hour every day, even during her final bout of illness which lasted over 2 years. She had one son, and one young grandson, the light of her life, who managed to get granny playing cars on the floor with him when she sat with him.
In the years I've known Sheila her main love was her dogs, then her grandson came along, and her sunny garden, which was usually full of flowering tubs and baskets, a beautiful spot. It used to make me smile that she had artificial grass for convenience and would talk of cleaning the lawn with a vacuum cleaner! Sheila was a very generous person, always willing to pitch in and help and without her support I would never have persevered with starting the Heatons WI. We owe her a debt of gratitude.
Suze Appleton
Heatons WI Founding President

Dear All. Following my mum's (Sheila Booth) passing last month, and in accordance with her wishes, I am organising a memorial event to celebrate her life.
The event will be held at the Hinds Head Pub (Manchester Road, Heaton Chapel, Stockport, SK4 2RB) on Friday, 21st June, between 3pm - 6pm. All are welcome, so please feel free to mention it to others who knew her. You can pop in at any time, and hot food will be served.
Warm regards
Rob (Sheila's son)

Charity News-Our chosen charity, Stockport Without Abuse, have asked for new or used but in good condition kitchen utensils, such as spoons, spatulas etc. These are given to women, men and families when they are setting up in a new home. We will be collecting these items at the September meeting. We will send out further information nearer the time.

Rota 2024/2025-Please add your name-if each member took on a duty we would have it almost filled.

Reminder-The bar at the Sports Club is card only.

Heatons WI Events

Saturday, 29th June-Summer trip to Saltaire. There are still 6 places available for the trip but you must let Perveen know by the monthly meeting and make payment by then. The cost is £10 which includes a tip for the driver. Please put payment into an envelope with your name and the trip. We are now opening the trip to other WI members at £12 and female family and friends at £15.

We will be meeting at the Sports Club at 9.15am in order to set off at 9.30am. You may park your car in the club’s car park. The coach will leave Saltaire at approximately 4.30pm.

Wednesday, 4th December-Save the date for our Christmas meal. This will either be for lunch or afternoon tea. More details soon.

North East Cheshire Group News

If anybody is interested in any NEC Group activities please contact Karen 

Wednesday, 10th July-Trip to Llandudno. There are still 6 tickets available for the trip which must be paid for at this month’s meeting. Karen will hand out tickets on the evening of the meeting. The cost is  £13.50. Pick up from Hazel Grove Park & Ride or Woodford Community Centre at 9.15am. Leaving Llandudno at 4.30pm.

Cheshire Federation News

If anybody is interested in any Cheshire Federation activities please contact Angela 

CFWI Virtual WI-If anyone is interested in joining, as a dual member, or has a friend who would be interested in finding out more, please contact Angela.

Member’s Notice Board

If you have a notice you would like to be included in the Members’ Notice Board section of the newsletter, or know of any local events other members may be interested in please send details Linda McD.

Message from Deborah-Coffee morning in aid of Action for Children. 1030am - 12 noon Saturday, July 13th at Heaton Moor United Church. Everyone welcome. Any donations of cakes (and jigsaws) will be gratefully received on the day.

St Martin’s Foodbank-1st Wednesday of the month. Please drop off at Kate J’s house. There will be a box for donations on the drive if the weather is dry or in the porch if wet, from 10am until the evening. URGENTLY NEEDED ITEMS – tinned meats, tins of beans, tomatoes, vegetables, potatoes and fruit, long life milk, long life orange juice, shampoo, tinned puddings, biscuits, shower gel, children’s toothbrushes and toothpaste., cat food, 500g bags of rice.


RNIB Stamp Collection-Shirley Shaw is collecting used postage stamps for the RNIB. She will bring boxes to WI meetings for members to put their used postage stamps in. You will need to separate UK mainland from the rest of the world, including Isle of Man, Jersey etc. Shirley will collect and send them to the RNIB, who get £20 per kilo.

B&Q is recycling plastic plant pots, small electrical items, batteries, light bulbs and fluorescent tubes

Superdrug Pharmacy at the top of Merseyway Shopping precinct is collecting empty medicine blister packs.