October 2024

A Message from Kate

October already, this year seems to be flying by. I want to start by thanking you all for your generous donations of kitchen equipment for Stockport without Abuse. Sue Westwood has delivered two boots full of donations- that is amazing.

Next month will be our Annual Meeting and I am pleased to say that the current committee are all happy to continue for another year. If anybody would like to join the committee please let me know. 

Thinking forward to next year’s National Annual Meeting, which will be on Wednesday 4th June 2025. This will be a virtual meeting and it is the turn of The Heatons WI to be the link delegate for our small group of WIs. This is open to any of our members. If you are interested in being our delegate please let me or any of the committee know by Wednesday, 6th November and all names will be put into a hat and one pulled out at our annual meeting on 21st November.

Our September meeting was a fascinating insight into the life of a plastic surgeon by Rachel Holt. The talk was very well received and there were many extremely favourable comments at the end. 

I must admit to being slightly apprehensive about this month’s talk about decluttering by Sian Pelleschi, mainly because I really do need to declutter. I look forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes


Birthday Greetings

Many happy returns to members celebrating their birthdays in October

Kate Y., Angela S., Sally, Janet L., Anna, Angela B., Lesley

IMPORTANT NOTICE-Register and Evacuation Procedure-It is important that you sign in BEFORE finding a seat at the beginning of the meeting. This is for your safety as, if we have missed adding you to the register and we have to evacuate the building, we will not have an accurate record of who is in attendance. This also applies if you arrive late or leave the meeting early. Please let Linda McD. know or Sally in Linda’s absence. Our evacuation meeting point is on the field opposite the car park entrance. 

Monthly Meeting

Thursday, 17th September


Speaker- Sian Pelleschi a professional de-clutterer-inspiration to de-clutter your space.


Competition-A photograph of an object you would never throw away.

Christmas Earrings-There will be a sale of earrings at this month’s meeting. They are £2 a pair. Money raised will be used towards the Christmas raffle.

Rota Volunteers-Door-Margaret L.  Raffle-Kate J., Barbara C.   Meet & Greet-Linda McD.

Refreshments-Carolyn, Angela B.

We would be grateful if those of you on meeting duties please arrive by 7.15pm. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact Linda McD. so that she can send out an email to fill the slot. Thank you.

September Meeting Report-Attendance: Members-40   Visitors-4   Income: Visitors: £20  Cake: £11 Raffle: £44

November Meeting-Annual Meeting

November Competition-Bake a cake of your choice

Reminder-The bar at the Sports Club is card only. Please note that tap water is freely available from the bar.

Heatons WI News

Message from Stockport Without Abuse-This message was sent to Karen. “The kitchen starter packs have been gratefully received and are being put to good use. SWA could use any financial donation. At this time of year, with Christmas approaching, additional funds can fund Christmas events/activities for the residents and in the New Year. Could you extend our thanks to all the Heaton WI. We really appreciate all your support. Kind regards Jeanette”

Coffee Morning Fundraiser-Thank you to everyone who has already offered to help on the day. Thanks also to those who have offered to make cakes. Cakes can be dropped off at Sue J's house on Friday 18th between 4pm and 6pm or at the church on the Saturday. Please list ingredients and leave whole cakes uncut. We still need prizes for the raffle. If you are able to donate prizes please bring them to the next meeting on the 17th and give them to Trish or bring them to the church on the morning of the event. No prizes of alcohol please.

Raffle Prizes-We are in need of prizes for our monthly raffle. If you have any new and unused items to donate please see Perveen.

Remembrance Sunday-Sunday, 10th November. We will be laying wreaths at St. Paul’s and St. John’s churches again this year. Angela B. will lay the one at St. John’s but we need a member to lay the one at St. Paul’s. If you would like to do so please speak with Kate Y.

Rota 2024/2025-Please add your name-if each member took on a duty we would have it almost filled.

Heatons WI Events

Saturday, 19th October- 10.30 am to 12 noon at the Heaton Moor United Church. Hope to see you and your family and friends at what will, hopefully, be another successful and enjoyable fundraiser for our chosen charity Stockport Without Abuse. There will be refreshments, a cake sale and a raffle.

Friday, 8th November-Dying Matters, a new discussion group meeting at 2 pm, venue TBC

To date, 6 members have expressed an interest in learning more about this new discussion group, formed to discuss the practical issues related to dying and end-of-life care.  If you would like to attend the first meeting, please email Sue.

Wednesday 13th November-World Kindness Day, time TBC. Last year we re-introduced our tradition of handing out slices of cake along Heaton Moor Road, with a message on each bag saying 'A slice of kindness from The Heatons WI'. If you would like to get involved on the day either by baking, handing out cake or both, please email Sue.

Wednesday, 4th December-Christmas Lunch. This will be at Avanti Restaurant, Heaton Moor.  A £10 non-refundable deposit will be required at this month’s meeting with the remainder of £23 due in November. As we have had so few members taking this up it is being opened to female family and friends. There are a limited number of places available which will be allocated on a first come basis. Please see Perveen or

Sue W. to book a place.

North East Cheshire Group News

If anybody is interested in any NEC Group activities please contact Karen. 

Cheshire Federation News

If anybody is interested in any Cheshire Federation activities please contact Angela.

Friday, 25th October-Chester Ghost Tour, 6.30pm. Tickets are £14.

Thursday, November 7th-‘Exploring Nutrition’ a zoom meeting.

Monday, 18th November-Jigsaw Race at 10.30am, Eastham. Tickets are £7 including a light lunch.

Saturday, 30th November/Tuesday 3rd December-Christmas at White Friars, Chester, 10.30am to 3.00pm. £5 to include a bacon bap, or plant based/gluten free alternative, tea or coffee. Or just drop in for a hot drink or mulled wine. Closing date Friday, 31st October.

Details and signup sheets for all these events will be available at this month’s meeting.

11th-13th July-Camp Cheshire, Wild in Fylde. More details to follow.

CFWI Virtual WI-If anyone is interested in joining, as a dual member, or has a friend who would be interested in finding out more, please contact Angela.


Learning Hub-Here is a link to the WI Learning Hub where you can access a variety of courses for free

Member’s Notice Board

If you have a notice you would like to be included in the Members’ Notice Board section of the newsletter, or know of any local events other members may be interested in please send details to Linda McD. 

Wednesday, 4th December-Henshaws Charity is holding their annual "Carols by Candlelight" event. Enjoy an evening of music, mulled wine, mince pies, and candlelit carols, while supporting those living with sight loss & other disabilities. Doors open at 6:45 pm, and the event runs until approximately 9pm. Tickets are available here: https://www.henshaws.org.uk/events/carols-by-candlelight-manchester/. Don't miss out on early bird discounts until 4th November!

The Children’s Society-The shop at Moor Top is in need of books, jigsaws, and CDs. If you are having a clear out please could you take them to the shop where they will be gratefully received.

St Martin’s Foodbank-1st Wednesday of the month. Please drop off at Kate J’s house. There will be a box for donations on the drive if the weather is dry or in the porch if wet, from 10am until the evening. URGENTLY NEEDED ITEMS: Tinned meat e.g. ham, corned beef, dog food, rice pudding, rice, coffee (small jars), tinned tomatoes, toothpaste, soap (bars)
They currently do not need tea, cereal or pasta.


RNIB Stamp Collection-Shirley S. is collecting used postage stamps for the RNIB. She will bring boxes to WI meetings for members to put their used postage stamps in. You will need to separate UK mainland from the rest of the world, including Isle of Man, Jersey etc. Shirley will collect and send them to the RNIB, who get £20 per kilo.

B&Q is recycling plastic plant pots, small electrical items, batteries, light bulbs and fluorescent tubes

John Lewis is recycling duvets and pillows.

Superdrug Pharmacy at the top of Merseyway Shopping precinct is collecting empty medicine blister packs.