April 2024

A Message from Kate

The March meeting was definitely an evening of fun as we learnt all about Bollywood dancing and some of us even had a go, and so entertained the rest of our members.

I was fortunate to attend the Spring Annual Council Meeting with Angela, which was also a President’s workshop. This was an interesting event and it was great to meet so many other Presidents and share ideas. In particular we were asked to encourage our members to have a look at The Learning Hub. It has a wide variety of courses which are all free to members, and would be of value and interest. So have a look.

The membership fees are now due so please make sure you have paid. Thank you to all of you that have paid so promptly. We have to send our contribution to Cheshire in May so need to know how much to send.

There will be a sign-up sheet at the meeting for you to express an interest in us forming an evening book group and a board game group. If you can’t make the meeting and are interested in either of those activities please let me know. Also look out for details of our summer outing later in the newsletter.

At this month’s meeting we will be joined by Figen Murray who is the Martyn’s Law campaigner. I look forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes


Birthday Greetings

Many happy returns to members celebrating their birthdays in April

Lynda G., Barbara D., Linda McD., Helen,  Eileen

Monthly Meeting

Thursday,18th April


Speaker-Figen Murray OBE will talk to us about how the Manchester Arena bombing affected her life, and her role as a campaigner for Martyn’s Law.

Rota Volunteers-Door-Margaret L.  Raffle-Pat M., Kate J.  Cakes-Lynda, Pat F.  Meet & Greet-Krys, Anna

We would be grateful if those of you on meeting duties please arrive by 7.15pm. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact Linda McD. so that she can send out an email to fill the slot. Thank you.

March Meeting Report-Attendance: Members-39  Visitors-2  Income: Visitors:£10  Raffle:£49 Cakes:£16.25


Trading table-Jane will be raising funds for APAA, a dog rescue which is a registered charity. They re-home over 250 dogs per year. Animal laws in Spain mean cruelty and abandonment are a real problem. Jane is expecting a dog from them later this month. He was abandoned when a lady moved house and left him behind. The money would help continue their tireless work to alleviate the suffering of many stray abandoned and abused dogs and puppies, 26 puppies only last week!

Register and Evacuation Procedure-Please ensure you are signed in at the beginning of the meeting. Please let Linda McD. know if you arrive late or leave the meeting early so that it can be recorded on the register. It means that, should we have to evacuate the building, we know who exactly is still in attendance. In Linda’s absence please tell Sally. Our evacuation meeting point is on the field opposite the car park entrance.

May Competition-Floral arrangement in a jam jar.

Heatons WI News

Monthly Meeting Book Stall-At the May meeting we are asking you to bring your unwanted, in good condition books to sell to raise funds for our WI. We will be selling them for 50p for paperbacks and £1 for hardbacks. We would ask that you take home any that have not been sold.

Plant Sale-At the May monthly meeting we will be holding our annual plant sale. Please bring along any plants, indoor or outdoor, seeds or cuttings. Money raised will be for our funds.

The Heatons WI Programme Planning Team-We are still looking for members to become part of the programme team. They meet approximately six times a year. There will be close liaison with and support from the committee at all times. Please contact Kate if you are interested. If you would like to speak with the current team they are Pat F., Sarah S. and Angela S.

Charity Vote-The result of the vote was as follows:

1. Stockport without Abuse: 25

2. NSPCC Stockport: 10

3. Henshaws: 9

Stockport without Abuse will be our chosen charity for 2024/25. As nominator for this charity, Karen will act as liaison and will now join the fundraising team.

Rota 2024/2025-The new rota is available for April onwards. Please add your name-if each member took on a duty we would have it almost filled. As from April the payment for baking a cake will rise to £5. This should preferably be a cake which can be cut into a minimum of 10 slices-please leave it uncut. If you do not wish to bake, a shop bought cake is also very welcome-please ensure you keep your receipt.

NB-We still need a volunteer for making a cake in May.

Reminder-The bar at the Sports Club is card only.

Heatons WI Events

Saturday, 29th June-Summer trip to Saltaire. The cost will be £10 which includes a tip for the driver. There will be a sign-up sheet at this month’s meeting. More details to follow

North East Cheshire Group News

If anybody is interested in any NEC Group activities please contact Karen 

Wednesday, 10th July-Trip to Llandudno. The cost will be £13.50. There will be a sign-up sheet at this month’s meeting. Pick up from Hazel Grove Park & Ride or Woodford Community Centre at 9.15am. Leaving Llandudno at 4.30pm.

Cheshire Federation News

If anybody is interested in any Cheshire Federation activities please contact Angela 

CFWI Virtual WI-If anyone is interested in joining, as a dual member, or has a friend who would be interested in finding out more, please contact Angela.

Friday, 24th May-Exploring Nutrition. Dr Katie Psarou will talk about the best foods to optimise your health. Frodsham Community Centre, 7.00pm. Tickets £6.

Wednesday, June 5th-NFWI Annual Meeting. The Royal Albert Hall, London. Observer tickets are £28 and are available from Karen Monks, CFWI House, 11 White Friars, Chester, CH1 1NZ. Please enclose a SAE.

Wednesday, 17th July-Literary Lunch. Speaker Milly Johnson, described as ‘The Queen of feel good fiction’, has written 20 bestselling novels. The Wedding Marquee, Nunsmere Hall, Tarporley, 12 noon. Tickets £35, and includes a 2 course lunch with tea/coffee.

Member’s Notice Board

If you have a notice you would like to be included in the Members’ Notice Board section of the newsletter, or know of any local events other members may be interested in please send details Linda

St Martin’s Foodbank-1st Wednesday of the month. Please drop off at Kate J’s house. There will be a box for donations on the drive if the weather is dry or in the porch if wet, from 10am until the evening. URGENTLY NEEDED ITEMS – tinned meats, tinned tomatoes, tinned coconut milk, long life orange juice, shampoo, tinned puddings, biscuits and shower gel


RNIB Stamp Collection-Shirley Shaw is collecting used postage stamps for the RNIB. She will bring boxes to WI meetings for members to put their used postage stamps in. You will need to separate UK mainland from the rest of the world, including Isle of Man, Jersey etc. Shirley will collect and send them to the RNIB, who get £20 per kilo.

B&Q is recycling plastic plant pots, small electrical items, batteries, light bulbs and fluorescent tubes

Superdrug Pharmacy at the top of Merseyway Shopping precinct is collecting empty medicine blister packs.